night life fever [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2023 15:32:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The sound of an explosion ripped through the once calm sky of the city. What was once a tranquil park found itself devastated by an overturned van with people dressed in a familiar black uniform spilling out of it. As smoke rose from their van a few of them ran for the streets as a few of them were shouting at one another. Unknown to them someone had slipped out from around the wreckage and aimed a kick right into the chin of one of them sending them crumpling to the floor.

The foot belonged to none other than Pokkenger who was suddenly jumped by two of the grunts as they tried to pin the masked hero down to the floor. Unfortunately for them Pokkenger had muscles built for dealing out justice and was able to throw one of them off of him and then send a fist right into the face of the other one as he scrambled to his feet, his mask already starting to crack as he stood before the people he was chasing.

Soon the sounds of fighting slowly died down as most of the rocket grunts had taken care of and bodies littered the park knocked unconscious as Kazimir laid against a tree breathing heavily. Looking around he could see that it wasn't just grunts that went down but they had invaded a park. People looked on scared and a few police officers were scattered around when word of what was going down reached their ears. Unfortunately adding more people to this was like adding fuel to a fire, making things bigger and out of control. Now people all around them were feeling the burns from it.



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2023 1:23:40 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

The chaos brought all sorts. Curious sorts, criminal sorts, law enforcement sorts— and healthcare sorts.

Some were faster than others to arrive— jumping at the sound of danger.

"Are you okay, Mr. Pokkenger, sir?" Said a young man as he arrived with a large, cube-ish briefcase, squatting before the hero and leaning his head onto his palm while his arms wrapped around his shins. "Gotta admit, as a long time fan— this ain't your most graceful outing."

It was not his first time seeing the handywork of Hoenn's premier masked hero. The pokkenger had been the stuff of legends for as long as he had been around in the region.

And while he wasn't quite so young as to idolize the hero anymore— he wasn't quite so jaded or overtly serious as to dismiss or criticize the effort either.

Say what you will— the kids loved the guy. And hey— he liked the man behind the mask just fine, too.

He set his box down— popping it open on several tiers to reveal the contents— several tools that wouldn't have been amiss at the doctor's table.

"What happened here, Pokkenger?"
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 13:57:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A voice rings out to him as he feels his body lifted and propped up. Taking a look at his would be savior the masked hero couldn't help but stare at him, there was something familiar about that face but at the same time something different. It looked almost like it belonged too... "Dougie?" A question was all he could get out before his body tensed up from the pain and his train of thought was derailed.

"Yeah...not my best work. Was hunting some Rocket guys carrying stolen artifacts. Ran them off the road but I guess I went a bit crazy trying to keep them all in one place." He was sure that a few of them even got away during the whole scuffle.

"No one else is hurt right? I...think I have...a bit of help." Moving a free arm slowly down to his belt he clicked on one of his Pokeballs to let out a happily chirping Blissey. Their smile persisting even as they noticed all the people and even Pokkenger on the floor as it took out a soft boiled egg to share with them all.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 20:23:43 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

"The one and only." He confirmed as he opened his case, pulling onto his hands some disposable gloves. "Deep breathes, let me know if anything hurts."

As the other man filled him in on the details, Doug hummed, his hands slowly fleeting over the other's armored body, poking and prodding for telling reactions.

After a few moments of this, he seemed to get a good idea of what was fine, what was hurt, and what was broken— at which point his hands began to glow magenta.

"Stolen artifacts, huh?" He echoed as he worked. He must've meant from the extraction operations going on inside the skeleton He smiled. "Good work, Pokkenger."

Resources were at their most valuable in a war when you possessed a absolute monopoly, after all. Stopping rocket from acquiring them was for the best.

At the other man's question, however—

"Well... lots of injured rockets under police custody, so... gotta go fix that in a bit." He said, smiling at the man's Blissey as she took to the field. "'ello, nurse Blissey. Mind gathering the patients for me? I'll go look over them in a bit. Just gotta finish up here."

He fetched bandaging from his case, before procuring an... interesting bottle from within. It glowed with what seemed to be floating glitter...

"How did you find these guys anyway? Happenstance?" Or was pokkenger somehow keeping tabs on rocket activity?
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 21:50:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Blissey saluted and went to attend to any more injured and try to corral them together with her eggs. Meanwhile that left Kazimir to be both interrogated and patched up by John about how him and these Rockets even crossed paths. "Got a tip about them. Just that they were seen hanging around a museum and one of my eyes and ears recognized them when they hit the place after closing."

Bringing his fingers to his lips he let out a whistle and from above them floated down a shimmering violet Minior that greeted them with a happy cry. "These guys help me keep an eye on things when I'm in town. Cast a big enough net and your bound to catch something." As he exposed his fisherman logic he couldn't help but notice the bottle that seemed to be filled with not actual medicine but decorative glitter.

" bring the wrong bag Douggie? Kinda need bandages, not an arts and crafts project. Unless you know how to fix costumes." He tugged at the under suit of his Pokkenger outfit where a few tears could be seen and stained by bruising and a bit of blood.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2023 0:23:45 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

"Huh. Clever. " He said as he glanced up at the hero's miniors, briefly reminded if and his obsession with the little space rocks.

Soon as the thought came, he froze in surprise, slowly blinking as the image of the large, redheaded man faded away from his mind's eye.

He hadn't thought about Zac in nearly 20 years... He shook it off.

"Which one?" He asked after a moment as he flicked at the tube filled with glitter, raising it up to eye level before pausing. "... Which museum, I mean."

Rocket didn't (generally) do crimes for the sake of doing crimes anymore. No reason to not look into the museum and it's contents now that this had happened.

As the other man brought up the glitter in his hands, John simply smiled, before producing a... syringe from his case.

"I'm a trained professional, Pokkenger." He said, fitting the tube into the syringe. "This ain't no arts and crafts... It's medicine."

He gave the other man a razor smile.

Before snorting.

"Lele scales. These are Lele scales. Got it? We square?" He said simply, tilting a brow. "Admittedly, I'm experimenting here a bit. I'm a bit out of practice on the dosage, ya see. I was hoping to get some valuable data with your help... and the rockets'. You okay with it?"

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 6:05:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Slateport. Oceanic." Those two words were probably more than enough to answer Doug's first question. Why they would steal from there was a question that not even Kaz had the answer to. He just showed up to the scene of the crime and managed to stop them from skipping town. "Don't know what they took, isn't' that place more of a maritime place full of ships and subs?" It was never a destination on Kaz's itinerary whenever he stopped by the city.

Well they were dealt with now so he could find out later once they were all wrapped up for apprehending. Right now it was more important that he tend to his injuries, or rather Doug, which did beg the question. "So... I'm gonna be your gieuna spoink. That's fine, just...look I need to know."

And this was the most important question ever.

"Am I going to mutate and get super powers if you do? Douggie I need to know please." There was a bit of a dramatic flair as he gave a "weak" thumbs up to the nurse giving him his consent to sprinkle weird pixie dust all over him.


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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 14:49:42 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

"We can ask them once we have them in custody." Whether that would work was another matter. If nothing else, perhaps they could try to deduce something out of the stolen goods.

As the conversation moved on to Doug's... totally ethical experiments, the youth could only snort at Kaz's 'question'. Nice to know he was trusted this much.

"You might gain a regen factor for very brief period of time." He said with a snicker, spinning the syringe in his hands with a hum. "Either that or some indigestion."

There was definitely not enough there to cause the kind of damage the likes of and had experienced. There wasn't enough to do the kind of 'surface-level' healing he had regularly employed before Goodbye Galar.

But that was the point— learning to what was needed to make it work smarter, not harder.

"No worries, Pokkenger— I wouldn't be testing this on you if there were any risks to your health." He said as he slowly moved around Kaz. "I've got rockets for that. Anyway, turn around for me, please. Oh, and help me get off the top layer of your armor."

A little advanced community service oughta teach them the error of their ways!

"Your injuries aren't too severe— for someone getting into fist fights immediately after a car crash." He said. "But that's better for this test— this is a low dosage. I'm gonna be administering it directly to your spine. This might prick a bit, but don't worry."

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 8:25:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Damn, was kind of hoping for something a little more helpful like flying...or like galavantula powers or something. Regen factor might be pretty cool though." He joked with John as he did as he was asked and started to remove some of his armor. He had trust in him to not actively try and hurt him, it was his medicine that he wasn't so trustworthy of. If the rumors about that particular Tapu were to be believed then maybe injecting it into his body was worth a second opinion.

Too bad for Kaz that second opinion would never come as he felt something sharp go right into his back. A silent yelp could only escape his mouth as he did his best to not squirm. Instead he focused on his Blissey who was going around tending to the wounded. One even got a soft boiled egg fed to him by the pink angel.

What a lucky bastard.

"Arceus! Ya coulda told me it'd be cold too!" Being pricked by a needle was nothing, but the feeling of this strange new solution entering his body wasn't quite what he was expecting. He also wasn't expecting his whole body suddenly feel a little lighter. Like he could actually lift them up even with the pain he was feeling and could sit himself upright proper as he took in a few deep breaths. "Well...I think its numbing the pain at least. That's good right?"


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2023 16:15:34 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

"I'm the avatar of Tapu Lele, not Spiderman." He said with a snort, pulling out the syringe before pressing cotton dabbed in alcohol against the little hole left. "I prefer to think of it as refreshing~."

Watching the other man begin to move, the medic's eye were unblinking as he observed the other's naked skin. Without his armor in place, it was easier to notice all the bruises created by the car crash and the occasional impact that managed to get through. To see the scrapes generated by friction.

And more importantly, to watch them slowly begin to disappear.

Doug's pen was a flurry as he took notes, watching intently.

"Not numbing." He replied to the other. "Healing."

This level of healing wasn't uncommon or anything for Lele's scales— he had mended much worse back when had been at the hospital. But then, the man had been still completely bedridden and in pain, hadn't he?

"These results usually take a lot more scales." Doug noted absentmindedly as he took his notes. "Fascinating... You were in a car crash, so I injected these into your posterior spinal arteries to preventively deal with any damage to your spine or discs first... to think it would go from there to the rest of your body so quickly, though."

In the end, Lele's scales, even when employed as proper medical tools, were still seemingly magical in some form.

He would've loved to be able to see through skin and muscle. He seriously needed to get better acquainted with modern equipment. He wanted to know what the heck was going on in there.

"Does anything hurt?" He asked Kazimir, looking the man up and down. "Mind moving around a bit for me? Tell me if anything hurts or aches."
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 5:01:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"My pops did say I was able to take a lot of punishment as a kid. Guess I just jump back up faster than most people." It was probably a weak explanation for Doug's answer but as Kaz stretched his body by tilting and twisting his upper body it was the only one he could give. Its not like he had anything different in him from the average person, at least not anymore anyway, so good genes was probably what was going on. That or John was getting better with his weird medical experiments and Kaz wanted to believe that was the case if he had been using this stuff before.

When he was asked by the medic to describe if anything was still hurting and if he could show a bit more range of motion to make sure everything was working as intended. "Hm...I guess my spine feels a little heavy, but flexible? Its kind of a weird feeling, like I can feel both at the same time." He then raised his arms and suddenly fell to the side and did a near perfect cartwheel with the only flub being that landing on his feet as he had to take another step to regain his balance.

"Whoa...ok. Not perfect. But I think you're really onto something Douggie. You gonna give that to those Rockets back there?" He craned his head to see his Blissey joined by his Minior trying to get some of them onto their feet and failing. Kaz just let out an almost regretful sigh. "Cause I think they could use some help." Their health was a far greater priority than his hate for them.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 23:16:07 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

Doug paused to consider the other's words. Was there enough merit in genetic and lifestyle factors to take it into consideration in his research...?

"Good data, Pokkenger!" Best to start taking it into account now, while his sample size was still small.

He refrained from clapping when the man suddenly performed a near perfect standing backflip, giving him a thumbs up instead.

"Don't worry, I'll give ya a proper, full examination once we're done 'ere." Wouldn't do to send Hoenn's first masked hero home with a possible concussion.

But speaking about masked men of the night...

"Yes sirree." He said, turning towards the rockets in time with Kaz. "I ain't 'boutta hang 'em up to dry just 'cause they're rockets; sorry."

He didn't know how the hero would feel about that— he had just finished having a car-crash turned fist fight with the lot of them.

"Mind helping me out?" He asked the other, popping his case back open before producing a number of syringes. "Let's lay 'em all side by side.""

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2023 9:11:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

When Doug looked back at Kaz the hero just shrugged his shoulders with a grin, "Hey, won't hear me complaining, just make sure none of them try to run for it." Even if treated they were still criminals and Kaz wasn't going to let them go without speaking to authorities. Thieves still had to pay for their crimes after all.

With his newfound health backing him up he and his Chansey were able to gather up the Rockets and line them up for the doctor to work his magic on them. As he watched the case open with needles he couldn't help but wince a little at how "prepared" he was for this. Guess he needed any and all test subjects as he could get. "So...two questions."

He's been curious about it while he was gathering them up and finally found the courage to ask, "One. What changed to make you go from career soldier to nurse? Second. Are the higher ups fine with you being a mad doctor? Cause your stuff works but I don't think using a legendaries's "parts" are uh...well something I thought they'd entrust to someone else. No offense."


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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 15:50:07 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

night life fever

Switch, ON! It's NIIIIGHT Time, !

He blinked, surprised at Kazimir's apparent interest in him. Or perhaps it was the seemingly radical change in his goals that gave him pause?

Either way, he didn't mind being given the opportunity to monologue.

"Well, I did spend about 20 years being the only doctor in Ballonleah." He said, before chuckling. "With that background info, it ain't too shocking anymore, is it?"

The second question, though... he could only scoff.

"I'll have you know I am perfectly hinged, thank you very much!" He told the other man, sticking his tongue at him. "... Either way; The commissioner knows about it, so don't worry."

He threw the rest of his equipment onto his case before approaching the unconscious rockets, tilting a brow at Kazimir.

"I am Tapu Lele's avatar; she ain't on loan from the league." He said simply. "The only one who can protest how I use these Scales is her."

He winked at the man.

"Nobody's more qualified than me when it comes to these anyway." He boldly claimed, making a number of scales float out of his palm, letting them hover around his arm. "20 years of study and practice, remember?"
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 9:25:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

20 years...

There was that time frame he mentioned. It scratched an area in the back of Kazimir's mind that had been itchy ever since the ordeal with Zacian and the strange bowl deer. Yet he couldn't quite place why it was itchy until now. Now that he was with someone who could confirm that it wasn't just some crazy dream he's been having over the past few weeks.

"Yeah I guess your right. Sorry Aqua just seems to want to have a monopoly on whatever legendaries are showing themselves around it seems. Don't disagree that we should keep an eye on them but sometimes it feels like they're ready to put the leash on anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them." The last few meetings he attended had some talk similar to that that rubbed him the wrong way. As the rest of the Rockets were lined up and ready for Doug's magic Kaz figured it was now or never to scratch that itch once again.

"Hey Doug, those 20 years your talking about. That was when we fought over some treasure with some nasty beasts right? Was...was that not just a dream? Cause I keep having this dream about people we know living it up in Galar like heroes or something but when I try to think back to it...I just can't remember a damn thing."


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